
On June 2, 2023, the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) received a visit from members of the Scientific and Technological Development Board (DRCT) of the Financial Agency for Studies and Projects (Finep), an institution connected to the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, and Communications.

The event brought together professors, members of the scientific community, students, and collaborators of FMUSP in the Congregation Room. It featured the participation of Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Aragão de Carvalho Filho, Director of DRCT of Finep, Prof. Dr. Jorge Alves de Almeida Venâncio, Advisor of DRCT of Finep, and Prof. Dr. Anapatrícia de Oliveira Morales Vilha, Deputy Coordinator of Research for Innovation at the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The main topics discussed were the news announced by Finep and the presentation of some of the most relevant innovation projects underway at FMUSP.

Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, Director of FMUSP, highlighted the significant presence of institutional leaders in the meeting with Finep and spoke about the importance of investments in human resources for the retention of highly specialized individuals after the completion and/or continuation of funded projects. "This institution is a center of innovation, concept, and evidence that likely has no equal in the world because, in addition to providing access to a large number of patients, admission is facilitated by the fact that the Faculdade de Medicina and the Hospital das Clínicas walk hand in hand. We are going through a new era of innovation investments and have a perspective for progress," declared Prof. Eloisa Bonfá.

Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Carvalho Filho discussed Finep's role as a Brazilian public agency promoting science, technology, and innovation in companies, universities, technological institutes, and others. According to Prof. Carlos Alberto, "The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development will have the full extent of its resources, and in addition, we have obtained a complementary contribution for this year, which should amount to nearly 10 billion reais." He further explained that half of these funds would be used for the release of new financing, and "the novelty is the lower interest rate, approximately 2%, based on the real interest rate." The other portion will be directed towards supporting initiatives related to "Consolidation, recovery, and national expansion of the technology and innovation system; Neoindustrialization; Innovation and technology for strategic and innovative national projects; and Scientific and technological development and innovation for the social sphere."

Also present at the head table were Prof. Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Júnior, Rector of USP, Prof. Paulo Alberto Nussenzveig, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of USP, Prof. Paulo M. Pêgo Fernandes, Vice-Director of FMUSP, and Prof. Roger Chammas, from the Department of Radiology and Oncology of FMUSP.