Academic Health System

Academic Health System

The USP Medical School - Hospital das Clínicas (FMUSP-HC) System is the oldest Brazilian university health system.

Its main goal is to offer teaching, research and culture and extension activities, with emphasis on multidisciplinary and multi-institutionality.

In addition to the USP Medical School, it is composed of institutes specialized in high complexity care (tertiary / quaternary care), a medium complexity care hospital (secondary care), auxiliary hospitals, units specialized in the comprehensive care of patients with HIV / AIDS, School Health Centers and Basic Health Units (primary care).

Primary Care - Butantã School Health Center (CSEB - Centro de Saúde Escola Butantã)

The CSEB Samuel Pessoa is a teaching and care unit of FMUSP, under the responsibility of the Departments of Preventive Medicine, Pediatrics, Clinical Medicine and Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (FOFITO - Fonoaudiologia, Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional), aimed at offering health attention to the residents of Butantã in the western region of São Paulo.

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Secondary care - University Hospital (HU - Hospital Universitário)

Opened in 1981, within the Cidade Universitária campus, this is the first community school hospital dedicated to undergraduate study in Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dentistry, Nutrition, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Psychology. Its work is focused on general areas such as Clinical Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics and Pediatrics. 

The HU has been outstanding in epidemiological studies and in several unpublished researches that determined the profile of microbial agents associated to diarrheal and respiratory diseases.

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Tertiary / quaternary care - Hospital das Clínicas (HC)

The HC is one of the leading Brazilian centers of production and diffusion of technical-scientific knowledge and it is a center of excellence in teaching, research and health care for the population. The complex is composed of eight institutes (Cancer Institute, Central Institute, Heart Institute, Child and Adolescent Institute, Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Institute of Psychiatry and Institute of Radiology), the auxiliary hospital of  Suzano, Laboratories of medical research, specialized units and support areas, as well as the School of Permanent Education.

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Hospital das Clínicas Institutes

São Paulo Cancer Institute (ICESP - Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo )

O ICESP foi criado em 2008, com o intuito de produzir conhecimento científico e prestar assistência médico-hospitalar de acordo com os princípios definidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde.

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Central Institute - (ICHC - Instituto Central)

Opened in 1944, it was the first building of the HC to be built and houses most of the specialties of medical and surgical clinics. It also includes the Referenced Emergency Unit, which provides assistance to cases of high complexity;

the Ambulatory Building (PAMB - Prédio dos Ambulatórios), which offers outpatient treatment and which includes the largest surgical center and the Central Laboratory Division, the first public service laboratory in Brazil to receive the ISO 9002 certificate.

Para mais informações, acesse:

Heart Institue - (InCor - Instituto do Coração)

One of the three largest cardiological centers in the world in terms of volume of care and number of subspecialties of cardiology and pulmonology, InCor became officially recognized in 1963. However, its design as a center of excellence in teaching, research and assistance in cardiology, pulmonology and cardiac and thoracic surgeries, dates back to the 1950s.

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Institue of Children and Adolescents - (ICr - Instituto da Criança e do Adolescente )

The ICr, inaugurated in 1976,  has been conceived to deal with high complexity diseases. It was recognized as a model in the country and is now recognized by the Ministry of Health as the National Reference Center for Child Health. In 2016, it was renamed the Institute of Children and Adolescents.

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Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - (IMREA - Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação)

The Institute aims to carry out the comprehensive medical rehabilitation program, to guide and advise patients professionally and also to achieve the physical and social valorization of rehabilitation.

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Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology - (IOT)

Inaugurated in 1953 to receive cases of acute poliomyelitis in epidemic phase in the city of São Paulo at the time, IOT is currently among the largest orthopedic and traumatology hospitals in Latin America and among the main research centers in Brazil.

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Institute of Psychiatry - (IPq  - Instituto de Psiquiatria )

Inaugurated in 1952, IPq is a pioneer in the creation of specialized services, covering all psychiatric disorders in the different phases of life of the patients. The Institute also offers the only specialized hospitalization unit  in  the country, with functional neurosurgery service and a unit of intensive therapy care, considered a Brazilian reference in the area.

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Institue of radiology -  (InRad)

Inaugurated in 1994, the Institute of Radiology is a center of national and international excellence, pioneering in imaging diagnostics technology and cancer treatment.  It was the first institution in Latin America to use nuclear medicine techniques, and also the first in South America to have high dose rate brachytherapy equipment.

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Suzano Auxiliary Hospital

It works as an auxiliary hospital for the various institutes of the FMUSP-HC System and provides medical-hospital care specialized in the care of long-term HC patients.

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School of Permanent Education (EEP - Escola de Educação Permanente )

It is an educational center that promotes education for health professionals and education health professionals, as well as for the community, in the following formats:

Technical - in post-secondary and continuing training categories;

Superior - in areas of diffusion, updating, improvement, specialization and professional improvement.

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