
The FMUSP announces with regret the death of Full Professor José Eluf Neto of Preventive Medicine Department. The wake and farewell ceremony will be held at the Vila Alpina Cemetery and Crematorium, this Sunday, January 15, 2023. The wake will start at 10 am and the ceremony will take place at 2 pm. The address is Av. Francisco Falconi, 437, Jardim Avelino, São Paulo, SP.

Professor José Eluf Neto graduated in Medicine at FMUSP, in 1974. He completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP in 1977, and a Master's degree in Preventive Medicine from FMUSP in 1985. He received a PhD in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - University of London, in 1993. His experience was concentrated in Epidemiology, especially in studies of neoplasms.

FMUSP Preventive Medicine Department makes a memorial in honor of Prof. José Eluf Neto, written by Prof. Moses Goldbaum:

"José Eluf Neto (1951-2023)

Eluf, Zé, Zézinho, as he was called and known in our midst, left us early. Sadness, commotion that invade us intimately and imprint enormous consternation for this immeasurable emotional, moral, professional loss and of immense generosity.

Your presence among us leaves a legacy and example of life to be disclosed, respected, observed and replicated by different generations. This is his dedication and his involvement in the various moments of his professional and affective life.

From an early age, when he was a resident of the Medical Clinic at HCFMUSP, he participated intensely as a defender of better working/learning conditions and as a dedicated instructor of the classes that followed him. He received, for this as an R2, along with his colleague Jorge Mattar, the title of RDeus, a condition that was granted to them for the care and attention they paid to the R1 and the interns of the medical course. This, in itself, was already a demonstration of his penchant for responsible teaching, for quality medical assistance, for socially involved research. He completed his residency in Clinical Medicine with an excellent assessment by supervisors who recommended him to pursue activities in the area; but new and promising trajectories appeared and he used them. For the happiness of Brazilian Collective Health and the Department of Preventive Medicine at FMUSP, he chose to follow the paths of Social Medicine, striving to complement his knowledge in Internal Medicine with the instruments of this new field, especially Epidemiology.

He joined Preventive area, at first, carrying out teaching and assistance activities at Centro de Saúde Escola do Butantã, today named Centro de Saúde Prof. Samuel Barnsley Pessoa, as well as to carry out a master's degree in Preventive Medicine. In these activities he continued his academic excellence and responsibility. He continued to provide quality care that he always respected, as well as taking care of teaching with undergraduate students and residents in the exemplary way he always did. In the master's degree, inspired by the seminal work of Prof. Guilherme Rodrigues da Silva prepared a dissertation explaining and deepening knowledge about the cardiological repercussions of Chagas disease in urban workers.

Shortly afterwards, he took over as a professor at Preventive, when he was able to continue his qualities in teaching, research, extension programs, missions intrinsic to the University, missions that were sacred to him.

In teaching, he continues his excellent teaching skills, earning the respect and consideration of students at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Always concerned with offering up-to-date content, he did so with all the rigor that science demands. He committed himself to the training of several students, who today occupy prominent positions and functions in public and private initiatives, whose testimonies exalt the influence that Eluf exercised in the respective journeys.

In application to the development of scientific research, various reasons led him to embrace studies on the epidemiology of cancer. His extensive intellectual production, as one of the pioneers in the country, allowed outstanding advances in the knowledge of the disease, as well as providing important subsidies for the definition of public policies to face it. The methodological rigor he always employed in these studies was his greatest mark, a style he has always transmitted to us, whether we are professors, researchers, students or managers.

His dedication to extension and administrative activities is also noteworthy. He has never shied away from providing consultancy services or providing support to demands generated by the scientific community, with a view to the correct conduction of scientific investigations. He was a member of the Advisory Committee on Collective Health at CNPq, where, as we know from the other members, his ethical, moral and technical behavior was preponderant.

As an administrator, he also revealed talent. As head of the Department of Preventive Medicine, on the board of LIM's, on the Advisory Board of INCA (representing ABRASCO), on the Board of Directors of the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo, he always acted ethically and sought to support technical renewal initiatives -scientific and with a strong social commitment. In recent years, he held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo, a situation that allowed him to further demonstrate his qualities as an administrator, highlighting his efforts to guarantee the important structure that provides services to cancer patients in the country. It stands out the fact of the defense of their ideas, thoughts, proposals; he did so with great emphasis, but without losing the generosity that marked him and without losing the ability to review them in the light of the good arguments they offered him.

This brief memorial reiterates the opening words about the legacy and example of life that he leaves us and reproducing the statement already made, we conclude: He will be greatly missed, an always noisy presence, a loud voice, speaking loudly through the corridors wherever he went, always very active".