
USP's excellence expressed in the CAPES Thesis Award 2022

 In the 2022 edition, USP was the university with the highest number of awards and honorable mentions in the 2022 CAPES Thesis Award. Our PhDs received 15 Thesis Awards and 20 honorable mentions! The CAPES Thesis Award rewards works defended in 2021, corresponding to one of the years of impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Brazilian science and university activities. The result achieved by USP, a result of its community dedication, is historic and celebrates all the effort to defend, value and strengthen Brazilian science.

In 2020 and 2021, the Postgraduate Studies Dean's Office at USP promoted numerous actions to maintain the activities of its students and graduate programs. The result obtained in the CAPES Thesis Award 2022 attests that the decisions were correct and allowed USP to maintain its excellence in Postgrad studies in Brazil.

This national recognition is very important because it values ​​postgraduate excellence internally and also serves as an indicator to young people who want to pursue a postgraduate degree of excellence in the country, says Prof. Márcio de Castro Silva Filho, Dean of Postgraduate Studies at USP. This year, among the recipients, we have 12 female postgrads and 15 female mentors from USP's postgrad programs. In 6 awards, the winning theses were mentored by women. The complete list of awardees can be consulted here (link).

The Dean of Postgraduate Studies joins the entire USP community to congratulate all those awarded by the CAPES Thesis Award 2022, as well as the respective Graduate Programs, which work towards consolidating the excellence of Brazilian science carried out by USP.