
The students of the 43rd class of the graduate course in Speech Therapy at the Department of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy at the Faculdade de Medicina da USP (FMUSP) participated in the graduation ceremony on December 12, 2022, held at the Faculty´s Theater.

The honor table was composed by Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, Director of FMUSP, Prof. Iolanda de Fátima Lopes Calvo Tibério, President of the Graduate Committee and Prof. Carla Gentile Matos, Coordinator of the Speech Therapy course. They delivered the course completion certificates to the students.

The graduation oath was taken by student Giovanna Dalo Ferreira, followed by all students.

Prof. Eloisa Bonfá said it was a great joy to celebrate the end and beginning of a stage in the students' lives. She stated that there is merit in each one, but “it is important to thank everyone who collaborated to reach this achievement, graduation, such as parents, siblings, partners, friends and even the society that invested in the formation of each one of you, since this is a public institution”.

The speaker chosen by the class, student Vivian de Almeida Prado, gave an emotional speech, cited the challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, thanked family members and the professor, who she credited as having guided them, taught them to learn, shared scientific knowledge, and became examples of inspiration and commitment in the way they practice speech therapy.

Prof. Carla Gentile addressed the students with a message: “in order for us to be worthy of being speech therapists, we have an irrefutable obligation not to hesitate in serving others, this dedication will undoubtedly result in the capacity, efficiency and competence in each one’s profession” . She added: "If you always keep the desire to learn and never forget your ideals, it will lead you to happiness." 

Prof. Iolanda Tibério highlighted that the students are very lucky, considering that in Brazil many people do not have the minimum to live on, to be graduating from a higher education course. "During your practice, in addition to ethics, competence and empathy, which are fundamental, make sure to have a lot of social commitment, dedication and return this investment to society", said Prof. Iolanda, who still wished congratulations, strength and much success to the students.

“This school will forever be home to each of you. We believe you have the power to make a difference in people's lives, improve community health and be leaders. Surely, you are prepared for professional challenges”, declared Prof. Eloisa Bonfa.