
The FMUSP received the visit of State Congressmen Gilberto Nascimento Silva and Jefferson Alves de Campos, on March 20, 2023, for a meeting with various FMUSP leaders, including the current Director, Profesoor Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, professionals of Hospital das Clínicas (HC) and Fundação Faculdade de Medicina (FFM).

During the meeting, the parliamentarians pledged to seek federal resources to strengthen access to public health offered by HCFMUSP, which is a reference in high complexity care in several areas of medicine and one of the main public health institutions in the country.

The meeting also addressed the importance of allocating resources to cutting-edge technology areas in the hospital, such as the use of robotics to bring more intelligence to health practice, the performance of faster, safer and more efficient minimally invasive exams, and the execution of high-precision surgeries using machines, enabling more complex procedures and reducing risks to patients.

The democratization of health is the main objective of these efforts, and its core is to offer the best and most advanced treatments to all who need it. The visit of Congressmen to FMUSP is an important step in this direction and contributes to maintaining the Medical Schaool and Hospital das Clínicas as dens of excellence and pioneering on the national scene in the areas of teaching, research, extension and service to public health in the country.e 

Deputy Gilberto Nascimento Silva (third from left to right)
Authorities of FMUSP, HC and FFM met in the FMUSP Board of Directors room 
Deputy Jefferson Alves de Campos (center)
On the central table, on the left. to dir., Dep. Gilberto Nascimento Silva, Prof. William Carlos Nahas, Rep. Jefferson Alves de Campos and Prof. Eloisa Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá