
Adriano Ferreira arrives with the aim of ensuring high performance in operational/academic support and transparency in processes

The Executive Board of Directors of FMUSP has a new Director, Adriano Guimarães Ferreira, who has 11 years of previous experience at Hospital das Clínicas (HC) and a total of 25 years in the healthcare area.

The Executive Board's main responsibilities are operational/academic support for Administrative Affairs, Academic Technical Assistance, Interdepartmental Centers, Library and Documentation Division, Vivarium and Commissions. “Everything that FMUSP does in Teaching, Research and Extension needs to have operational guarantees in different areas. The great challenge for management is to deliver the best, with transparency in processes and the certainty that deadlines are met”, explained Adriano Ferreira.

The FMUSP Board of Directors' management theme is Talent Retention. To contribute to this purpose, Adriano Ferreira said that it is necessary to “ensure the execution of processes in the areas with clear indicators, established goals, with levels of services adequate to the demands of the institution. So that it does not generate noise and give rise to additional work for the teacher that is not the focus on teaching, or for the student, which is not studying”.

Adriano Ferreira has served, since 2019, in the Corporate Management of the Strategy and Operations Center at HCFMUSP, the sector responsible for strategic planning, project management and hospital information, and as an executive arm for various tactical projects at the hospital. In 2014, he took over the coordination of the Supplementary Health Care Center. He joined HCFMUSP in 2011 as Assistant Superintendent. He has an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral, specialization in Hospital Administration and Health Systems from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.