Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, Director of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), received the Commendation of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), 2023 edition, on March 9, in Recife, delivered during the 1st National Meeting of Medical Councils.
The CFM Commendation was created in 2011 to pay homage to six physicians and personalities who contributed to the advancement of medicine. This year, a seventh one was created to honor individuals who have stood out in their support of medical activities.
The awardees were: the Zilda Arns Neumann Commendation of Medicine and Social Responsibility, presented to the rheumatologist and Director of FMUSP from São Paulo, Prof. Eloisa Bonfa; the Moacyr Scliar Commendation of Medicine, Literature, and Arts, presented to the orthopaedist from Rondônia, Viriato José da Silva Moura; the Mario Rigatto Commendation of Medicine and Humanities, presented to the Canadian physician and missionary, Monique Boughet; the Fernando Figueira Commendation of Medicine and Medical Education, presented to the infectious disease specialist from Roraima, Mauro Shoshuka Asato; the Oswaldo Cruz Commendation of Medicine and Research, presented to the ophthalmologist from Goiás, Marcos Ávila; the Clementino Fraga Filho Commendation of Medicine and Assistance, presented to the general surgeon from Pernambuco, Antônio Lopes Miranda; and the Friend of Medicine Commendation, presented to Senator Marcos Rogério (PL/RO).