
Among the listed universities in Latin America (LA), based on performance in medical research, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) was elected the best in EduRank 2022. This result was gathered from an analysis of 7.77 million citations received by 435 thousand academic works from 334 higher education institutions in LA.

In the general ranking, EduRank is based on research performance that covers metrics from 14,131 universities, from 183 countries and uses its own database, with an index of about 45 million scientific publications that received more than 1 billion citations for classification in 246 topics, without distinction between undergraduate and graduate programs. It also includes non-academic prominence indicators and alumni popularity. In this category, the University of São Paulo is preeminent in Brazil and in LA.

Faculdade de Medicina da USP also achieved excellence in assessments by academic areas. See at