The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) regretfully informs the death of Prof. Dr. Sandra Scivoletto, of the Department of Psychiatry at FMUSP, on December 1, 2022.
Sandra Scivoletto, graduated as a doctor and got her PhD in Psychiatry at USP, later becoming a specialist at the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry. She implemented the Adolescent and Drug Outpatient Clinic at IPq HCFMUSP, the first specific outpatient clinic for the treatment of adolescent drug users in Brazil. Working with abused children and teenagers, she coordinated the Programa Equilíbrio (Equilibrium Program), an innovative project resulting from a partnership between her Department, the USP Psychiatric Institute and the City of São Paulo. She received the Health Award in the Mental and Emotional Health category, from Saúde magazine (Health magazine) and Abril Publisher (Editora Abril), for the results achieved by the Equilibrium Program in the reintegration of children at social risk. She was responsible for carrying out the academic guidance of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service (SEPIA).