
The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) regretfully informs the death of Professor Emeritus Isaías Raw, from the former Department of Chemistry and Physiology, whose wake and burial took place December 14, 2022.

Graduated in Medicine in 1950 from FMUSP, master and doctor in biochemistry and professor at the same institution since 1957. Isaías Raw was a visiting professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the School of Health Harvard University and the City College of New York, in the United States. He joined the Butantan Institute in 1984, where he made important contributions, such as the creation of the Biotechnology Center, the production of vaccines and others.

The professor, doctor and scientific researcher had his rights revoked during the military regime in Brazil. He was a pioneer in education fairs, science clubs and museums, in addition to having motivated the manufacture of the famous chemistry, electricity and biology kits, which made it possible for ordinary students to carry out experiments at home.

Learn more about Prof. Isaías Raw in the article released by the Butantan Institute, at

Watch the video of Prof. Isaías Raw in the project “Ensaios de Memórias” (Essays of Memories):