The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) held, on March 20, 2023, the Chat GPT in Healtncare Symposium, Impacts on Medical Teaching, Research and Patient Care. The event was online, free, and took place from 6 pm to 8 pm.
The opening was made by Professor. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, Director of FMUSP and President of the Deliberative Council of Hospital das Clínicas (HCFMUSP), together with Prof. Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Jr., Dean of Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
During her speech, Prof. Eloisa Bonfá highlighted that this is the first event with a broad focus on the impact of the Chat GPT in Healthcare, emphasizing that it is a change that needs to be taken advantage of in the best possible way by all.
In turn, the Dean stated: “Nothing better than the University being an agent of the debate and interpretation of what is happening. In the case of artificial intelligence, it is necessary to understand what it is about, know the limitations and do training to then start applying it”.
In the first part, two conferences were held: "Understanding the GPT Chat", moderated by Prof. Raul G. Lima, Deputy Dean of Innovation at USP, and lecturer Luciano Ramalho, author of the book Fluent Python, who stated that “the moment is one of exaggerated promises in relation to the current state, but the cost of training for the use of the tool properly is too high”. Ramalho also declared: “artificial intelligence as a whole and not just the GPT Chat, if well regulated and used, will provide incredible benefits for humanity”.
The lecture “Chat GPT in the health area” was moderated by Prof. Giovanni Guido Cerri, President of the Board of InovaHC and Board of Directors of InRad at HCFMUSP, and delivered by Prof. Chao Lung Wen, head of the Telemedicine discipline at FMUSP, who spoke about various applicability and technologies already employed in the area of health and education.
The second part of the Symposium was based on the question: "How can Chat GPT influence various areas of health?", with the aim of offering an updated and general view on the applications of this tool, subdivided into four themes:
"Medical Teaching" with Dr. Patricia Zen Tempski, Coordinator of the Center for Medical Education (CEDEM) at FMUSP, and Prof. Ana Claudia Xavier Latrônico, President of the FMUSP Research Commission.
"Research", with Prof. Luiz Eugênio Mello, Scientific Director of FAPESP, and Prof. Ana Claudia Xavier Latrônico, President of the FMUSP Research Commission. In this area, Professor Mello argued that although “the text generator tool has a good level of quality, the path between potential and reality is still quite long”. He still does not see how these systems can be configured as authors with responsibilities in the use of information, in synthesizing and, mainly, in symmetry. Prof. Mello also asks: “Are we going to have proposals being created by machines and judged by machines?”.
The third theme, "Patient Care", was explained by Prof. Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de Carvalho, Director of the Pulmonology Division at InCor and Digital Health at HCFMUSP, and panel moderated by Prof. Carlos Vicente Serra Jr., President of the Commission for Culture and University Extension of FMUSP.
Finally, the theme "Legal and ethical aspects" was given by Laís A. de S. Bonilha, Coordinator of CONEP/CNS, and moderated by Prof. Fábio Cabar, Director of the HCFMUSP Compliance Institute.
The event was closed by Prof. Linamara Battistella, President of the Board of Directors of IMREA at HCFMUSP, and Profa. Eloisa Bonfá, who highlighted “critical analysis and the act of recreating as extremely important steps to make use of the GPT Chat” nowadays.