Program aims to promote interaction between the Rectory and different segments of the academic community on all campuses
The Health-Law Quadrilateral (area denomination that brings together USP’s Law School and Health Faculties) received, on September 13, directors from the Rectory of University of São Paulo (USP) to discuss the main problems and challenges of the units that make up the Quadrilateral – Nursing School, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine and Law School.
“The spirit of this administration is one of dialogue, conversation and shared decision. It’s not feasible for a few people to be responsible for all the actions that need to happen within the University. We count on your support, work, collaboration, ideas and suggestions, pointing out what we must change in our management to improve. With as much information as possible, the chance of getting it right improves. Our desire is to get it right, to do good things for the community, so that, in three and a half years, we can leave with a feeling of accomplishment”, said Rector Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior.
The Quadrilateral was the fifth region to host the “Rectory on Campus” (“Reitoria no Campus” in portuguese) program, in which representatives of the Central Administration spend the day on one of the seven USP campuses – Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos and the capital – to meet with representatives of the local community and encourage dialogue at the University. As it concentrates the largest number of units, the meetings in the capital were divided into four: Capital-East Area, Health-Law Quadrilateral and two meetings at Cidade Universitária.
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