
The Telemedicine discipline of the Pathology Department at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) offers an 8-credit (120 hours) course to postgraduate students, using a hybrid format and Active Digital Methodology. The current edition started classes on April 14, 2023, with the inclusion of Integrated Telehealth in its curriculum.

This is the first course in Brazil on Telemedicine and Integrated Telehealth, following the Telehealth Law 14.510/22, which authorizes and conceptualizes telehealth practices in the country, resulting from Bill 1998/2020.

Professor Chao Lung Wen, Head of the Telemedicine Discipline at FMUSP and President of the Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Telehealth (ABTms), states that "the expectations for the course are to educate students on Digital Ethics, Logistics Telemedicine, Integrated Telehealth, Humanized Care Pathways, and Health in Schools and Communities."

The Telemedicine discipline at FMUSP is the only one in Brazil held annually since 1998, and it will address the following topics this semester:

1.    Historical aspects of modern Telemedicine, History of Telemedicine and Telehealth in Brazil, and their origins in universities and the Unified Health System (SUS).

2.    Digital Transformation of Modern Society.

3.    History of the Brazilian Council of Telemedicine and Telehealth (CBTms)/ABTms and categories of Telemedicine and differences between Telemedicine and Telehealth.

4.    Digital Ethics and Responsibility (General Personal Data Protection Law

5.    (LGPD), Brazilian Civil Framework of the Internet  , care with Digital Photography and Social Networks, Data Breaches).

6.    Digital Security – HIPAA, Private and Corporate Clouds, precautions in the use of WhatsApp.

7.    Legal Aspects: Federal Telehealth Law, Telehealth Ordinances, and technical norms of the National Health Agency (ANS), Telemedicine Resolution of the Federal Medical Council (CFM), and Telehealth Resolutions of the Federal Councils.

8.    Teleassistance: pillars of responsible Telecare, Telepropedeutics, hybrid care, Telehealth Stations, and Guidelines for Good Clinical Practices.

9.    Promotion of Health in Schools and disease prevention (PSE – MEC/MS and Young Doctor Law).

10. Lifestyle Telehealth in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Control (reduction of claims) and Smart Homes with Connected Health.

11. Connected Digital Education for Lifelong Learning and use of Digital Learning Resources (computing and 3D printing) and Supervised Service Learning (Tele Preceptorship, formative second opinion, formative teleconsultation).

12. Artificial Intelligence (Chat GPT, GAI) and Robotics (Telepresence and Hyper Realistics) in Healthcare applications, National Health Data Network (RNDS), and Predictive Health.

13. Hybrid Connected Hospitals, Home Telemulticared and Accreditation.