Student Psychological Care Service (GRAPAL)

In Activity since 1986.

The GRAPAL was founded in 1986 for the attendance of undergraduation students of FMUSP (Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine and Occupational Therapy). Currently, besides undergraduation students, residents of FMUSP are also cared for.

The assistance is carried out in two main aspects: attendance in clinical psychiatry (with psychiatrists) and psychotherapy (with psychologists).

The operation of GRAPAL is independent from other FMUSP instances, reporting its activities directly to the Undergraduation Committee and to the Director’s Board of the School. The data are completely confidential, according to the dictates of medical ethics, not notifying the name of the students attending the service to any instances of FMUSP.

Welcome to GRAPAL!

The international literature demonstrates health professionals and students, especially the medical ones, deal with personal and emotional challenges, despite maintaining an elevated level of performance, at undergraduation/work.

The GRAPAL was created to offer confidential support to those in need of aid in mental health.

It is an independent instance of FMUSP which receives backing from the Board of Directors of FMUSP, and of the Undergraduation Committee and the Psychiatry Department, the last one is currently providing support in the update of professionals, by promoting their participation in Congresses, Journeys and Symposiums, besides Formation Courses.

The appointments are held from Monday to Friday, in variable times between 8:30 am to 6 pm.

The appointments can be scheduled by phone +55 011 3061 7235, +55 011 98744 0393 or directly with the secretary of the service, from 9 am to 6 pm.