
The NEDH is responsible for the formulation, proposition and support of the politics promoting Ethics and Human Rights at FMUSP. These politics are directed to the promotion of respectful coexistence favoring the diversity of sexual, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic conditions, among others. The center develops cultural and educational actions aimed at the FMUSP community, integrating groups of Human Rights protection, internal and external to the Universidade de São Paulo.

It uses the FMUSP Code of Ethical Conduct as a reference for its actions, which can be accessed at, and the booklet Harassment: What It is ? What to do?, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Besides the actions aimed at the institutional collective, the NEDH also receives demands of individual aspect, that are given the proper referral, according to the nature of the demand. In this regard, we particularly highlight the SAVV – Support Service for Victims of Violence.

The Center is composed by representative members of several instances of the FMUSP community. More information by the phone +55 011 3061 7444 or e-mail