Student Support Network

This page’s goal is to promote the Student Support Network at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) of the five graduation courses: Medicine, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Medical Physics. In it, students, professors, tutors and staff can find information for each one of the institutional spaces, with programs and services aimed at the support of the students in their academic trajectory.

FMUSP has an interconnected network for welcoming, arrangements and follow-up of those in need of some kind of support. With fast and easy access, the students are going to find qualified professionals, willing to guide them, always seeking the community’s welfare in our daily interactions.

This content is geared towards undergraduate students. However, some spaces assist the entire FMUSP Community, since the Faculty cares with a healthy work and educational environment for all those who collaborate with the excellence of this Institution.